meanwhile, at the internet cafe.

TVV stands for total video views. it is a number that represents the total amount of views a user has gotten on all of their videos. this number is important because it shows how popular a user is.
About Play Vista
Play Vista is a web video playform created by anthony as a summer project. in Play Vista you watch and create videos, chat in forums and make this totaly not youtube ripoff website really popular. please share this site to your friends and family or you will get a virus on your computer and 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 years of bad luck
How & Why you should support this site *for dummys*
i worked on this site for a very long time and its really cool besides its fun to join a small platform when its just getting created. and some ways you can support my site is by just staying on it for a long time and interacting with the freindly community also i have a clinicly diagnosed spelling borblem so please if you see any misspells plz note that i did not pay attention in the 2nd grade
Why is there No ads
every ad provwider keeps rejecting me i dont know why i tried google adsense and they said that my weebsite looked like sh#t and then i tried this super sussy pidussy ad provider called money box or something and they said my site was too small and know i am clinicly deepresed knowing i am making no mulah from this.
Terms and conditions
- No racism *thy act of shaming someone based on ethnicity*
racism is a sereus topic that will get you banned if you play around with it.
- No nudity *thy act of posting innapropriate revealing photos*
you would not want to be one of those few people that seriously do this, instant ban.
- No realistic gore *thy act of showing the realistic insides of humans and other large mammals*
animated or cgi gore is allowed, but no real real gore, warning and then ban.
- No spamming *thy act of posting the same thing over & over again*
if you spam, whatever you spam will be taken down exept for one copy. however, if you do this one too many times then your account will have to be banned.
- No doxxing *thy act of revealing someones location in spite*
depending on the severity and popularity of the person, warning and/or ban
- No Racial slurs *thy act of rule one, but literary based*
This is a really obvious rule, you get one warning and then a ban.
- No scamming *thy act of misleading/lying to people for profit*
- No being a simp *thy act of persistent lust*
you get a warning.
- No being a furry *thy act of being in the furry community*
I will let the community decide what happenens
- No impersonation *thy act of pretending to be someone you're not*
Identity theft is a real and nono crime. If someone pretends to be some one else then their account will go bye bye and see jesus
This is the section